Alan and Amy Meltzer Center for Athletic Performance

Property Page

Alan and Amy Meltzer Center for Athletic Performance & Sports Center Annex 

Washington DC

Proposed development on the northwest quadrant of the campus (West Campus) will create an athletic, residential, and campus life village, including a new Center for Athletic Performance, consolidated and enhanced student health and wellness facilities, and additional student housing opportunities in competitive and marketable unit configurations to encourage more students to remain on campus during their time at AU, This collection of new development will effectively transform what is now “back of house” and service areas of campus into a vibrant campus destination.

4400 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest Overview

Last Update: 04/29/24
Permitted Construction:
Construction Status:
Land Value:
Building Value:
Sqft of Land:

Organizations Working On 4400 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest

General Contractors:

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PRO Data

Sqft of Building : ******
Property Developer Name : *******************
Property Developer Email : **********************
Property Developer Phone : *************
Architect Name : ***************
General Contractor Name : ****************************************
Height : **
Under Review On : ********
Approved On : ********
Start Date : ********
FAR : ****
Zoning : **********
Sqft of Land : *********